vessel wall

英 [ˈvesl wɔːl] 美 [ˈvesl wɔːl]




  1. In that this stop blood cells from attaching to the blood vessel wall which are warning the earlier stages of the initiation of heart disease.
  2. The attachment of cancer cells to the blood vessel wall is one of the key steps in the spread of cancer.
  3. Based on the conceptions of zero stress state and opening angle proposed by earlier researchers, stress distribution in blood vessel wall with inner pressure was investigated numerically.
  4. All welds for nozzles and manways shall be full penetration through the vessel wall.
  5. However, the improvement of ultrasonic frequency increases the noise impact, and increases the difficulty for extracting the edges of the vessel wall intima and adventitia.
  6. Objective: To study the diameters and vessel wall thickness of the dorsalis pedis artery and provide anatomic data for cannulation of the dorsalis pedis artery ( CDPA).
  7. Results Patients with PICC had no phlebitis and physic liquor exosmosis. Study of Textile Artificial Vessel Wall Water Permeability and Pore Diameter Distribution
  8. The reactor tank fired four prominent tailgate, when stirring the liquid in the vessel wall to block the change in liquid flow, play a spoiler role, to achieve better mixing effect.
  9. Located between circulating blood and vessel wall, vascular endothelial cells ( ECs) ate constantly exposed to shear stress resulting from blood flow.
  10. The grafts were harvested to examine the thickness and area of intima and media, the deposition of lipid in the vessel wall, and the distribution of VCAM-1 positive cells.
  11. The study of the relationship between pathologic change of vessel wall and clinical stage in great saphenous varicose
  12. Method of calculating local strain of blood vessel wall based on IVUS image
  13. In addition, the newer concept of coronary "remodeling," in which plaques grow into the vessel wall rather than into the lumen, has gained widespread recognition.
  14. The mechanism of thrombus formation in living vessel wall is complex and involves a combination of blood and vessel wall properties and local flow conditions.
  15. The blood vessel wall, when it becomes thickened and the lining is disturbed, is more sensitive to the effects of cholesterol deposition.
  16. The proliferation of smooth muscle cells ( SMCs), the collagen fiber deposition in the vessel wall and every caliber thickening was observed in hypoxic control group.
  17. The hole was lined with a steel tube to prevent the walls from falling in. Study of Textile Artificial Vessel Wall Water Permeability and Pore Diameter Distribution
  18. Experiments were conducted on greater saphenous vein in vitro; The effects of different media in greater saphenous vein were compared when holmium laser was affecting the blood vessel wall.
  19. On the strength and rigidity design of atmospheric pressure rectangular vessel wall
  20. The endarteritis, and the fibroid necrosis of the blood vessel wall.
  21. A problem of couple, motion between vessel wall and blood in the entrance region of a tapered vessel is considered in this paper.
  22. Foam cells in vessel wall were distinctly increased.
  23. Residual stress exists in blood vessel wall.
  24. The problem of elasticity effect of vessel wall is also discussed.
  25. In this paper, the influence of the vessel wall on the distribution of the molecular free paths was analysed.
  26. Neuropathologic study demonstrated fibrinoid necrosis and infiltration of inflammation cells around vessel wall.
  27. In addition to the vessel wall itself, the coupled model of coronary stent and the arterial wall also contain plaque model and stent model.
  28. It is a critical step in inflammation that the activation and recruitment of mononuclear cells into the vessel wall.
  29. Then the difference between vascular plaques and normal tissue of vessel wall was extracted through experiment.